關於central america的評價, Leonardo DiCaprio
We recently launched #AmericasFoodFund to help make sure every family in need gets access to food at...
We recently launched #AmericasFoodFund to help make sure every family in need gets access to food at...
Thank you Indonesia, India, Colombia, Central Amer...
In the face of this crisis, organizations like Wor...
Yesterday, we announced the launch of America’s Fo...
One of the two incredible organizations that Ameri...
Thank you to everyone who has supported #AmericasF...
【A Message to the World (From Taiwan) 一則來自臺灣的訊息】 ...
8/28起,一連四週《國際熱線》播出「外交最前線 中美洲特別報導」專題節目,台視新聞各節播報也會有...
Food insecurity in America continues to grow at a ...
中美洲邦交國的最後一場講座圓滿落幕~~ 希望這半年來的推廣,可以讓國人不會只在斷交時才認識到我們...